Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Make Personal Myspace Graphics and Layouts...?

I am looking for some help for my myspace page..i see a few people...not a lot...but some people who make their own all weird going to give you an example at this link She custom makes her myspace page..i have already been to the myspace where u can make ur background and add a pic and that type of talking about that kind in the link...shes a graphic designer...anyone know ???

Make Personal Myspace Graphics and Layouts...?

Don't attach too many codes or scripts to your myspace because it will slow down your myspace. Who wants to sit there looking at loading page ? Simple, but nice.

You can try this one :

Good luck ! ^o*

Make Personal Myspace Graphics and Layouts...?

Ok, what you're talking about is a big and vast difference in customization. Most of customized profiles on myspace are just that, customizations, really just modifications to the code that myspace already creates, giving different colors and borders and locations in some cases and inserting content.

The link you posted, although poorly done, is referred to as DIVing. Utilizing the HTML DIV tag to create layers and different parts of a website. The general intent is to essentially cover up Myspace's original code (after removing some and shrinking the rest) and then putting your own stuff on top of it.

Some things that are wrong with the link's above are: Poor hiding option on the default myspace stuff (notice how it scrolls way down with stuff that the user didn't intend to display within their site

SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOW load time of that main image on the DIV which makes it readily apparent that it's a DIV over a bunch of other stuff, not something you really want.

Take a look at these for some better ideas of a clean original layout:

Mine: (just a basic DIV coverup with custom graphics and layouts etc..) I know my pic doesn't show up because I shut off my webserver at home temporarily :)

A friend of mine's with some nifty flash animation

Make Personal Myspace Graphics and Layouts...?

Learn how using a free program and reading tutorials on creating graphics.

Download The Gimp, it's a free image editing software that pretty much has the same features and functions as Photoshop.

The Gimp website:

The Gimp tutorials:

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