Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Making layouts for myspace??

Okay I am making layouts! I know how to make them but, I can't figure out how to put the code for the on the layout plz help!!

Making layouts for myspace??

Um. The site you get the URLs from for the pics in docs.

Making layouts for myspace??

There is a generate code button that you push on the generator. It will generate the code you need.

You copy the code and carry it back to EDIT PROFILE and paste in ABOUT ME box.

Making layouts for myspace??

put it in a notpad(windows) or simpletext(mac), save it, and upload it at a file hosting site like, then get the link from there and type %26lt;a href="put the link of the document here"%26gt;what u want the link to say%26lt;/a%26gt;

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