Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Question about myspace and the layouts that people make for other people and stuff?

Ok, you know how alot of people make myspace pages with their original creations such as layouts, snags, and tags? and they always have rules about how you cannot give them away or claim them as your own creation, and so on and so forth, and they act like you should be scared if they should find out you break one of their rules? But in order to use their creations you have to save it to photobucket or one of those, and my main question is, when you use photobucket, arent all the pictures that are uploaded to photobucket up for grabs for anyone to use if they want? so basically anything they "create" can be used by anyone who wants to use it off of photobucket? dont they kinda need to copyright their stuff in order to "protect" it? I just think its kinda funny how their egos make them feel like they have some myspace authority, I understand they are proud of their work, but I think they take it too far sometimes.

Question about myspace and the layouts that people make for other people and stuff?


Question about myspace and the layouts that people make for other people and stuff?

Technically, if they created it, it's copyrighted to them, even if they give you permission to copy it.

Of course, that's kind of dependent upon them catching you, which would be just about impossible.

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